TESO Players Can Take Advantage Of Free Trial Of ESO Plus Service

Bethesda announced the launch of a special event that will allow the players of The Elder Scrolls Online to take advantage of the ESO Plus free trial of the service and reward those who have already subscribed to the service with bonus rewards.

eso event

ESO Plus is an optional subscription to The Elder Scrolls Online that rewards members with a number of benefits like access to DLCs and other content including:

  • Access to DLC game packs Imperial City, Orsinium, Thieves Guild, Dark Brotherhood, and Shadows of the Hist, new zones and quests and dungeons;
  • 1,500 Crowns per month to spend in the game store
  • Unlimited storage for crafting materials
  • 10% increase in experience, gold acquisition, crafting inspiration and trait researchrates
  • Double Furnishings and Collectibles space in player housing
  • Exclusive ability to dye costumes

From 5 to 9 July, members who have already signed up for an ESO Plus membership will receive up to five new Dwarven Crown Crates, featuring new mounts, pets costumes, consumables, and other items. To get these bonus rewards you need to access the game between 6:00 and 5:59 every day of the event. The Crown Crates that you earn this way will be delivered on July 17th.

Bethesda has also made great surprises for all the other players in The Elder Scrolls Online. In fact, during the event, users will have the opportunity to try free ESO Plus services, with the exception of the Crown Crates bonus reserved exclusively to subscribers. To enable the test, just go to the “Featured” section of the game’s Crown Store menu and select ESO Plus Free Trial.

The Elder Scrolls Online event will be available for PC, PS4 and Xbox One users and will start on July 5 at 4 pm and end on July 9 at 5:59 pm. ESO-GOLD customers! Have you ever used discount code on ESO-GOLD to get cheaper deals? We are sure that most of your answer is YES since ESO-GOLD offers long existing codes to you all, such as 2% off code “teso” for cheap ESO Gold for sale.

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