The developer team took the enormous demand and the community’s positive feedback to heart and devoted themselves to integrating additional features and priming the backend for the expected rush. All the hard work paid off, because as of today, Travian Games is proud to offer every interested player unlimited access to the open beta of its newest strategy hit. Product manager Stefan Walter is proud of his Imperion crew: “Work on Imperion has gone extremely well. It’s the result of the hard work and the impressive engagement of the entire team, which has devoted itself to creating the most comprehensive browser-based strategy game. I’m happy that we can now offer all the true fans and genre-lovers real, long-lasting scifi fun.
Imperion is a multiplayer strategy game. Players choose from three species: Terrans, Titans and the Xen, each with its own unique advantages. Imperion offers players high complexity without overwhelming them; thanks to a finely-tuned balance, gameplay is long-lasting and fun. The diversity of strategies and the development of various galaxies give virtual space generals extreme levels of gameplay freedom. From resource management to refined development strategies to diplomatic tactics, Imperion offers rich, varied and deep gameplay.
The strongly communicative aspect comes to the fore in the alliance system. Only through wise use of alliances can a galactic strategist secure his empire and expand its borders without the danger and destruction of combat and conflict.
You might have thought the galactic scale of Imperion’s sci-fi spectacle was big enough, but the rush to claim the limited access codes on and on the official Facebook page exceeded all expectations and demonstrated the unflagging interest in such high quality games.