How Players React To The Upcoming PoE Incursion League

Path of Exile’s next league: Incursion League will come on June 1. In the official forum, there are thousands of comments on this news. So, how players react to the upcoming PoE Incursion League? Are they satisfied with the upcoming league?

Path of Exile

1. “I like the subtle shift in the subject of the league title. Rather than being the ones affected by the problem, we’re the problem. WE are the incursions. We’re someone else’s harbinger and breach.”

2. “This is what I like too. I know most people don’t seem to care but the lore and story of a game really helps to draw me in to it more, so anything that adds to that is a plus to me. And the Vaal lore is probably my favourite so this is doubly nice.”

3. “This is actually something I’ve been wanting to see for a while. I love dungeon crawling and while the Lab was trivialized I hope they apply the lessons from that to this new dungeon system. It looks really interesting.”

4. “I don’t know about the primary antagonist. Most of the bad things that come of the player character’s actions are consequences of things they couldn’t have known about such as breaking the seal and killing the Beast. Not to mention we bring down some horrible people, like Malachai, who wants to remake the world in his image of nightmare. Piety and the Templars committed some real atrocities too.”

5. “League looks amazing so far, I love the concept! I have one tiny concern. With the temporal incursions not dropping items, I’m a bit worried about Animate Weapon and its viability for the league. Is there any chance the incursions will be adjusted to drop white equipment similar to what was changed in the Beachhead boss encounters?”

There are too many comments. We don’t list them here, but it seems that most of the players are positive about this upcoming league. While you wait, why not visit our official website to poe currency trade.

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