‘Madden 18′ The Exciting Game In The History Of Digital Football

When you seeing only green and a rapidly-approaching end zone in front of you, and you will find the better feeling when you defeat your opponent in a competitive game of Madden. But when you’re pro gamer Big Gucci and a close suddenly, you will feel like your heart was shocked, and very sad. So this game is very high-stakes.
Bear witness to perhaps the most ill-timed fumble in the history of Madden, all of Madden. Not just Madden 18. In fact, this could be the worst fumble in the history of digital football. That’s over thirty years of video game pigskin, all boiled down and distilled into this ridiculous fumble from Eddie Lacy, who shockingly had the speed to out-run multiple cornerbacks.

Not only does Lacy’s fumble at the goal line hurt, but the shame is amplified as the hand egg is scooped up by the defender in the end zone and loops all the way around the field and scores a touchdown like prime video game Bo Jackson. Pittsburgh likely totals at least 130 total yards while bringing the ball to the house. Incredible. The worst part? This wasn’t a glitch. He dove.

It is not yet clear if the gaming system Gucci was playing on was inserted into an industrial incinerator later that day. This is probably the worst one but we still have some expectations with Madden 18.

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